Drop Forouzan and study from Computer Networking A Top Down Approach
This blog is for all students/professionals who somehow reached this article. I have currently 7 years of experience in Software Engineering and my current module needed computer networking expertise for which I needed to open the textbook again to just get a hang of terminologies like RTT, delay, TCP, UDP etc..
This time I picked up Computer Networking A Top-Down Approach by Kurose Ross instead of the Data Communications and Networking by Behrouz A Forouzan. This book by Mr Ross is a gem and its way better than the latter book. It starts with the top-down approach from the application layer to physical layer instead of another way around in book by Mr Forouzan. If you are studying in undergraduate or postgraduate or doctoral programme in any part of the world; and planning to advance your knowledge in computer networks, then you should pick the book by Mr Ross as it is way better than the other book.
Here are the reasons for this recommendation:
- It starts with application layer which is easy to understand for starters.
- It slowly builds up the knowledge with easy to understand examples.
- Mr Ross for every topic convey the basics required to understand complex topics.
- At the end of chapter excerpts from interview of notable people who worked originally on ideas discussed in each chapter.